Question: I wonder whether anyone has found a way to convert formatted content notes to unformatted . An example is: =505 00$tOn comparison /$rJonathan Z. Smith --$tPolis-religion and its alternatives in the Roman provinces /$rGreg Woolf --$tFrom republic to principate : priesthood, religion and ideology /$rRichard Gordon --$tFeature of Roman religion /$rArthur Darby Nock --$tLudi saeculares and the Carmen saeculare /$rDenis Feeney --$tCults, myths, and politics at the beginning of the empire /$rJohn Scheid, trans. Philip Purchase --$tTheological efforts of the Roman upper classes in the first century BC /$rArnaldo Momigliano --$tHierarchy and structure in Roman polytheism : Roman methods of conceiving action /$rJohn Scheid, trans. Philip Purchase --$tReligious toleration in republican Rome /$rJohn North --$tReligion for the empire /$rClifford Ando --$tLoca sancta /$rSabine MacCormack --$tComplex of times : no more sheep on Romulus' birthday /$rMary Beard --...