

目前顯示的是 2016的文章

Convert formatted contents notes to unformated - example 2

Question: I wonder whether anyone has found a way to convert formatted content notes to unformatted .  An example is: =505  00$tOn comparison /$rJonathan Z. Smith --$tPolis-religion and its alternatives in the Roman provinces /$rGreg Woolf --$tFrom republic to principate : priesthood, religion and ideology /$rRichard Gordon --$tFeature of Roman religion /$rArthur Darby Nock --$tLudi saeculares and the Carmen saeculare /$rDenis Feeney --$tCults, myths, and politics at the beginning of the empire /$rJohn Scheid, trans. Philip Purchase --$tTheological efforts of the Roman upper classes in the first century BC /$rArnaldo Momigliano --$tHierarchy and structure in Roman polytheism : Roman methods of conceiving action /$rJohn Scheid, trans. Philip Purchase --$tReligious toleration in republican Rome /$rJohn North --$tReligion for the empire /$rClifford Ando --$tLoca sancta /$rSabine MacCormack --$tComplex of times : no more sheep on Romulus' birthday /$rMary Beard --...
Some definitions for Regular Expression - Literal, Metacharacter, target string, escape, sequence and search expression Literal - A literal is any character we use in search or matching expression, for example to find ind in w ind ows the ind is a literal string - each character plays a part in the search, it is literally the string we want to find. Metachatacter - A metacharacter is one or more special characters that have a unique meaning and not NOT used as literals in the search expression, for example, the character ^ (circumflex or caret) is a metacharacter. [ ] - ^ 1. A simple find and replace to change the indicator and first subfield code. Find: =505 00$t Replace: =505 0\$a Result: =505  0\$aYour love$g(4:17) --$tThe driver /$r(featuring Dierks Bentley and Eric Pasley)$g(4:34) --$tDancing around it$g(4:38) --$tSouthern accents /$r(featuring Stevie Nicks)$g(4:15) --$tLonely girl$g(2:59) --$tThe only one who gets me$g(3:46) --$tRound in circles$g...

Regex - Converting formatted content notes (505) to unformatted

This is the question asked in the MarcEdit Listserv, and answered and solved by MarcEdit experts and librarians. Question: Converting formatted content notes (505) to unformatted. =505 00$tYour love$g(4:17) --$tThe driver /$r(featuring Dierks Bentley and Eric Pasley)$g(4:34) --$tDancing around it$g(4:38) --$tSouthern accents /$r(featuring Stevie Nicks)$g(4:15) --$tLonely girl$g(2:59) --$tThe only one who gets me$g(3:46) --$tRound in circles$g(4:17) --$tI wish you were here /$r(featuring Miranda Lambert)$g(3:48) --$tLeaving Nashville$g(3:29). To turn to =505 0\$aYour love -- The driver / featuring Dierks Bentley and Eric Pasley -- Dancing around it -- Southern accents / featuring Stevie Nicks -- Lonely girl -- The only one who gets me -- Round in circles -- I wish you were here / featuring Miranda Lambert -- Leaving Nashville. =505 0\$a[Contents] 1) By changing 2nd indicator to from 0 to "\" 2) Removing all subfields ($t, $r, $g) 3) Removing the time in paren...